Insert thought provoking, poetic, epic statement here.
'Cause I don't have shit to say right now.
Well, that's not necessarily true, but most of my thoughts don't come out very well in the written word. Or typed, as is the case.
You should here me try to explain my temporal theory of exsistance. It makes me look crazy. Though, I might just be crazy.
I've been thinking lately about how I interact with society, which is to say I don't do it very well.
I think I get a far greater kick out of pissing people off and making them hate me than I do from making everyone love me.
I don't do it in a "Fuck the world," political stance having, punk rock ethics kinda way.
I just like making people squirm and seeing how far I can push people before they walk away or tell me to fuck off.
Truth be told, I love it when people tell me to fuck off.
At least I can respect that.
And I'm never as attracted to a woman as when she puts me in my place.
I know there's a little masochism in me.
Huh. I think my potential for building an active social life might be kind of slight unless I decide to stop making everyone angry all the time.
Though, people often like me. I guess there's a little masochist in everyone.
Then again, it seems to me that people use this whole internet thing to post pictures of them drunk and avoid thought provoking social commentary, so maybe I should get drunk and post some pictures.
Maybe I'm missing the point of this whole "blog" thing.
Pretty sure this whole "life" thing isn't anywhere near as complicated as everyone thinks it is,
P.S. I managed to get 27/25 in my digital electronics lab portion. 100% just isn't good enough for my smart ass.
P.P.S. Bragging about how smart my ass is is facetious arrogance. I'm not any smarter than anyone else. Except for stupid people. I'm smarter than them.
'Cause I don't have shit to say right now.
Well, that's not necessarily true, but most of my thoughts don't come out very well in the written word. Or typed, as is the case.
You should here me try to explain my temporal theory of exsistance. It makes me look crazy. Though, I might just be crazy.
I've been thinking lately about how I interact with society, which is to say I don't do it very well.
I think I get a far greater kick out of pissing people off and making them hate me than I do from making everyone love me.
I don't do it in a "Fuck the world," political stance having, punk rock ethics kinda way.
I just like making people squirm and seeing how far I can push people before they walk away or tell me to fuck off.
Truth be told, I love it when people tell me to fuck off.
At least I can respect that.
And I'm never as attracted to a woman as when she puts me in my place.
I know there's a little masochism in me.
Huh. I think my potential for building an active social life might be kind of slight unless I decide to stop making everyone angry all the time.
Though, people often like me. I guess there's a little masochist in everyone.
Then again, it seems to me that people use this whole internet thing to post pictures of them drunk and avoid thought provoking social commentary, so maybe I should get drunk and post some pictures.
Maybe I'm missing the point of this whole "blog" thing.
Pretty sure this whole "life" thing isn't anywhere near as complicated as everyone thinks it is,
P.S. I managed to get 27/25 in my digital electronics lab portion. 100% just isn't good enough for my smart ass.
P.P.S. Bragging about how smart my ass is is facetious arrogance. I'm not any smarter than anyone else. Except for stupid people. I'm smarter than them.