As we enter 2013, I think it's important that we remember our universal unimportance...


Fuck yeah,

I think I will make a decided effort in the new year to be more pleasant. This means I will make a decided effort to keep my mouth shut, but pleasant is not the default setting on my brain.
I will also make an honest attempt to actually be skinny, and not just look skinny. Perhaps add some muscle to my lanky frame.

I suppose...
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Mental disconnection: Thinking on paper (or digitally as it were)

I am, by nature, a relatively unpleasant and very angry person.
I know this about myself because I have to deal with me on a daily basis and get to hear all the terrible thoughts that don't quite make it out of my mouth. My mouth is ever moving, but I assure you, there's still...
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Reset to default programming: Crush, Kill, Destroy.

So I carry around 8000 songs around with me on my manufacturer non-specific digital music player.
For the past week at work I've just let it shuffle through them all whilst I block out the entire world (because everyone sucks but me and I don't want to hear their jabbering) and come to the conclusion that the music...
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I'm with you on the hair thing - it really doesn't bother me anymore, and I've just decided to roll with it. My dad and both of my grandfathers are just about bald, and they look fine.

I also have to say that I wish that we'd see you at events and whatnot more often! You're a good guy. smile
I'm am just a worthless liar.
I am just an imbecile

This will never stop being fucking awesome.

Oh, and country music can be awesome...

Continuing with my commitment to self destruction...

I want to quit my job and I'm sick of balding and other ramblings by a rapidly aging introvert...

That seems overly dramatic, especially if you read this entire thing.

My job is awesome. It really is. I'm really lucky to have it, even though I'll never make real money doing it.
However, I've been there for 2.5 years and it means my brain is...
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Listen to this song and try not feel like everything just got a little better.

I fucking dare you.

I hear you, but it's damn hard. The other day I was talking about something to someone and when I thought about what I was actually saying I was shocked that those words had actually come out of my mouth and that I believed so much in them. It's definitely easy to get caught up in the kind of thinking. This trip is definitely coming at a good time. I need to escape!

And yes, the song did help wink
Honestly, what could I sing to her that I don't whisper to her every night?

Also, I'm back for the millionth time.
Just ignore me; I apparently have SG ADD, since I keep signing up and being really interested for a while, then just fucking off. Because I'm a jerk. Or I'm busy.

Mostly the jerk thing.

Happy birthday smile
We learn something new every day, don't we? biggrin
Billy Joel is way more awesome than he has any right to be.

Working too hard can give you a heart attack-ack-ack-ack-ack-ack.

I also don't understand why this song makes a good beat for a rap song.

Frivolity, I say. FRIVOLITY

Thanks for the support on my new set <3 <3
I am anti-social.

This does not mean I have an inability to socialize, I'm actually quite good at it when I have to be, but I am no fan of socializing. I've just spent most of my life by myself and haven't found things improve much when I'm around others. I'm guessing the fact that I equate "antisocial" and "not interested in socializing" is incorrect,...
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Greetings and salutations,

It's currently 17:18 and I'm drunk and by myself.
Yeah, I use a 24 hour clock, wanna fight about it?

That's a little sad when I think about it, but I'm thankfully drunk and am thus not really thinking.

I have been an on-again-off-again member on this website and it looks like I'm on-again right now.
Booze (Knob Creek Bourbon to be...
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You're back! biggrin

I absolutely remember you, and I also find it hilarious (and awesome) that you remember all of this because my email account was compromised, haha.

I hope that you're well, and it would be great to see you at Gala this year!
Of course I remember you! C'mon now. Not cool.

I'm glad you're still the same as well (or so it seems) wink

We have a few things in common, my friend, including a love of Guinness and irrational social awkwardness. Welcome back to the world of pervs.

I'm J.R.
I fix things; specifically medical equipment.
In general, I'm just a huge nerd (I cannot express how true this statement is. I'm surrounded by Technologists all day and they think I'm nerdy).
I also enjoy being smarter and better looking than you, but I especially love self delusion.

I've been a member here on and off since 2005 or so, and recently...
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