Field trip to Japan?

Oh no, it wasn't regular fun banter which is fine. More 1 person trying to egg me into sending nudie pics repeatedly, me declining politely repeatedly, then finally having to tell him off. Next a round of discussions to delineate some boundaries with a different friend, but I think that is all settled so I feel better. I just figured that fairly innocent bit of salaciousness was stirring up more trouble than it was worth. I actually thought it was more funny than sexual. You know, because everyone here knows I'm so private and it is not like me to do a nudie shot? And it really wasn't...but it was....but it wasn't...so I figured friends would laugh because that kind of thing is so me.
I know exactly how you feel.
and if you owned a bubble making machine.
Groucho: What is that you're working on, Karl?
Karl: My manifesto.
Groucho: Gazuntite.
Karl: No, you fool, my MANIFESTO.
Groucho: Oh yes, I prefer my manifesto with a white clam sauce, angel hair...
Karl: I said MANIFESTO!
Groucho: Oh, is that like one of those stag parties I keep reading about. A MAN-i-FEST-o.
Karl: I'll have you know that this paper will change the world
Groucho: How about starting with that hair of yours
Karl: I hate you.

I say we take it to Broadway.
Start a vote and get that asshole Colinisim out. Then the group can return to its conservative roots.
I guess they were just ahead of their time. I've seen interviews they did back then, and pretty much no one could get what they were about. It didn't help that they would purposely be assholish and vague to the people interviewing them. A little bit of the Bob Dylan routine there. Except with more anger. Bipolar pretentiousness.

I still prefer the Bollocks album to anything from Public Image. One of my all time favorite albums.
More fitting than ever


Happy July 4th!
Here is a speech I wrote as part of my internship about today hope you like it:

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

On July 4th, 1776 the world witnessed the greatest experimentation of freedom and liberty. We as a nation took up arms and shrugged off the chains of despotism and wrapped the nation in the protective cloak of a representational republic. Our great nation was created and founded on the belief that the freedom and liberty of the individual reigns supreme. With this belief and the power of the constitution we have succeeded when we should have failed.

We have overcome both foreign and domestic challenges and become stronger and more united. There have been sacrifices made by every generation. We look towards our citizens to improve the fabric of our society. This nation has also turned to our youth to defend our society from our enemies that have attacked our way of life. For this we are entirely indebted to the brave veterans of the past, present, and future that sacrificed so that we as a nation can continue.

On July 4th, we celebrate our independence and the founding of this great nation. We honor what previous generations have given up so that the next generation may benefit. It is because of this that we must recognize that the struggle against tyranny, oppression, and persecution is not over. The cost of our freedoms is constant vigilance and to stand athwart paternalism. Let's remember the beginning of our constitution that "We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Huzzah! And I think that last one is from Whip It! I enjoyed that movie more for the roller derby than for Ellen Page taking her shirt off.
Whip It! offers a kind of exaggerated view of roller derby though you definitely should check it out. (I actually went to a midnight showing with my local roller derby team). It's so much fun, especially knowing that they're doing it for the love of the game.

The interview, well, was a mixed bag. I stumbled on a couple of questions but I think it was more good than bad. I won't know if I got the job until early August, unfortunately.

About that book... A couple of weeks ago, I sent the author a hand-written letter telling her about my situation and how her book helped me. I asked for absolutely nothing. A week or less later, I got a package from her in the mail that contained a signed and inscribed first edition hardcover copy of the book, a typed letter and her card. In my letter I mentioned in passing that I'd checked it out from the library so she decided to send me a copy of my own. She has a couple of blogs too, she's an awesome lady.
So cute it gave me diabetes:

Hard to play cop & mouse power games when you're caught with an open can of Bud in hand, eh?
oops. sorry about that.