It looks like I'll be driving my '95 Town Car for the foreseeable future. It needs some work, but at least we know what's wrong with it. Another used car would be an unknown, no matter how honest the guy you buy it from is. Gas prices have been a pain the ass lately, especially since I drive a 2-ton V8 engine hunk o' Detroit iron. The funny thing is, very little of our oil actually comes from the Middle East/North Africa. According to this site (I know, I know, but they do have another source) the top four countries that supply our oil are, in order, Canada, Mexico, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela.
I checked out her web site and their "best value" is $90 for a year. I'll pass. But Stoya's still a hottie.
I checked out her web site and their "best value" is $90 for a year. I'll pass. But Stoya's still a hottie.