i'm back visiting my home town. the changes its gone through are incredible. It used to be a small fishing town, now it is a small tourist town with rich holiday houses poping up everywhere. it's halfway between melbourne and adelaide alone the coast pretty much, so it gets a fair bit of holiday makers here. today i was up at the cliffs at the west end of the town watching a big rain front come in, fresh salt air coming in off the ocean. Amazing. I almost want to move back here, except there is not much in my line of work to do down here. I'll post some photos next time i'm on.
struggling within with what to do about a lady i've been seeing. She came out of a seemingly constricting relationship of 6 years about a year ago and now very much values her freedom. which i can well understand, as i've been in a smothering relatinship before. not having your own space is hell. So i been keeping my distance from her, just seeing her on the weekends, maybe 1 sms every couple of days. she keeps telling me she is moving on from the area i live in soon so there is nothing between us except some hot fun and a little bit of loneliness remover for a bit. though i know that i really like being around her and she me. though it has gotten that way that she seems to be trying convincing herself that there is nothing more than me. I'm happy enough to just go with the flow on this... i know that i want time with her, but not too much time as i'm very used to just doing what i want when i want without talking to someone first. it's odd. and now i seem to have lost my train of though on exactly where i was going with this part of the blog. so basically we are keeping each other at arms length but with interlocked fingers.
walking around the town alone today has just reminded me of how i want (nearly need) to be able to share stuff like this with someone special.
and better yet, Seffy is doing a set. This will be good. very good. if its better than crayfish it must be good after all.
also i have awesome family. this trip home is all about seeing family and having been away from them so long it makes me realise just how good they are and just how lucky I am to be part of it.

struggling within with what to do about a lady i've been seeing. She came out of a seemingly constricting relationship of 6 years about a year ago and now very much values her freedom. which i can well understand, as i've been in a smothering relatinship before. not having your own space is hell. So i been keeping my distance from her, just seeing her on the weekends, maybe 1 sms every couple of days. she keeps telling me she is moving on from the area i live in soon so there is nothing between us except some hot fun and a little bit of loneliness remover for a bit. though i know that i really like being around her and she me. though it has gotten that way that she seems to be trying convincing herself that there is nothing more than me. I'm happy enough to just go with the flow on this... i know that i want time with her, but not too much time as i'm very used to just doing what i want when i want without talking to someone first. it's odd. and now i seem to have lost my train of though on exactly where i was going with this part of the blog. so basically we are keeping each other at arms length but with interlocked fingers.
walking around the town alone today has just reminded me of how i want (nearly need) to be able to share stuff like this with someone special.
and better yet, Seffy is doing a set. This will be good. very good. if its better than crayfish it must be good after all.
also i have awesome family. this trip home is all about seeing family and having been away from them so long it makes me realise just how good they are and just how lucky I am to be part of it.