I don't know how you all do it?! i want to blog but never really know what to write. after all not much happens here most of the time. BrokenPixel and Seffy and zombienik_o and Aenn are some of my favourite blogs on here.
this weekend i spent my first night in Katherine, never had a reason to before, but the crew of pruners I just worked with were staying there and invited me up. So i guess i wasn't as a bad boss after all. Was not sure how to deal with so many people and so many personalities.... To even more suprise one of the crew that I thought was pretty nice or perhaps as zombienik_o would say, i had the "smit" for decided to let me know she thought i was alright
win for 1hr long back massage! then yesterday we crashed out on a bed together for the afternoon for a few shockinly comfortable hours. then at 3am i get a msg saying she wished i was in her bed cause she couldn't sleep. one of lifes pleasant suprises, which still begs the question, of why is it that when i meet a woman they always live on the other side of the world? Maybe its time i moved to the other side of the world to make things easier...
this weekend i spent my first night in Katherine, never had a reason to before, but the crew of pruners I just worked with were staying there and invited me up. So i guess i wasn't as a bad boss after all. Was not sure how to deal with so many people and so many personalities.... To even more suprise one of the crew that I thought was pretty nice or perhaps as zombienik_o would say, i had the "smit" for decided to let me know she thought i was alright


Hey that's me!