today my sexy asian neighbour tells me that my bosses 19 year old son if fucking my workmates 26 year old wife on the lawn while her husband is passed out inside the house. as well as the last time he went away. they are supposed to be mates. who fucks his mates wife? that is not friendship as far as i know., yet i am not meant to know about it. the little fuck cares for no body but his dick. if this goes bad, wife looses husband, husband looses wife, dad looses 2 kids, wife and kids go back to england, mates have punch up, or worse which is very likely that weapons would be involved with these guys, son gets kicked out, goes back south, gets in trouble with law again, goes to jail. police get called to farm, 19y/o+ husband go to jail short term, wife gets angry starts punching on, she goes to jail. kids go to welfare, she gets deported, on kids goes to as is a pom, other stays being ozzie. husband looses job, boss possibly looses job due to not keeping his son under control. ALL this is VERY likely to happen in the next month. all because some selfish little fuckball wants to get his end wet.
not many people inspire me to violence, yet righ now i just want to take to this guy with a steel bar titled "karma"
fuck knows why i do not become a hermit and forsake all humans.

not many people inspire me to violence, yet righ now i just want to take to this guy with a steel bar titled "karma"
fuck knows why i do not become a hermit and forsake all humans.