now, how to out this done right?
just when i think thinkgs are sorting themselves out and some sort of order is appearing in my life shit happens. Not literally of course. that would be gross. i went to my bosses place to celebrate chinese new years with his partner, his son, and another taiwanese girl from work. quick chat about time off for me on march and he reveals he has to go to court about the same time i want time off. Ok, i think, nothing uncommon up here, to many people drink drive and shit up here. But no, there is a chance he could be locked up for up to 10 years. His attorney wants $12K by next friday of she won't represent him. This is after about $30k in legal costs already. Turns out he had some porn on his laptop coming back from asia. This is where i chose not to ask details for soon to be obvoius reasons. Some X-rated pron is illegal to either take out of or or bring into oz. But from what i understand is that he seems to have a fetish for the IBT community and asains. Nothing wrong with that. Except that changes made to the OLIVER SCALE of child pornography makes an strong age to breast size link. Ie: A cup women are seen to be much younger in the scale than b cup women. Therefore a 18yo with A cup could easily be seen as being 16, and therefore illegal. But given a B cup they are perceived as 18 and therefore legal. His lawyer thinks they can win, but it will cost a LOT of money cuase the government will just keep appealing until he either runs out of money, they win, or the case gets kicked out of court. This worries me, as i've know the man 5 years now. He's never even shown the slightest hint of being into child stuff. his partner looks young though she's 27 she still lookes over 20 with ease. so as you can see i stayed well away from this topic. But it means that in soon i could be running this place, a man i know, like and respect could be locked up on child pron charges that i really don't think sounds like him at all. But then again, you never really know people do you...the reprocussions of this could be huge for me, even though it has nothing to do with me! and the stigmasism asscociated with someone who has had anything to do with child pron is massive. Even if he is judged to be innocent people will always wonder.... with anyluck, i am right and he has done nothing wrong. I'm to scared to ask more incase i'm wrong though. so much to think about, nothing i can influence, nothing i want anything to do with... yet i am involved in this in a small way now. it's freaky. i don't know what to think or what to do other than stay silent and non judgemental... unwanted burdens.
just when i think thinkgs are sorting themselves out and some sort of order is appearing in my life shit happens. Not literally of course. that would be gross. i went to my bosses place to celebrate chinese new years with his partner, his son, and another taiwanese girl from work. quick chat about time off for me on march and he reveals he has to go to court about the same time i want time off. Ok, i think, nothing uncommon up here, to many people drink drive and shit up here. But no, there is a chance he could be locked up for up to 10 years. His attorney wants $12K by next friday of she won't represent him. This is after about $30k in legal costs already. Turns out he had some porn on his laptop coming back from asia. This is where i chose not to ask details for soon to be obvoius reasons. Some X-rated pron is illegal to either take out of or or bring into oz. But from what i understand is that he seems to have a fetish for the IBT community and asains. Nothing wrong with that. Except that changes made to the OLIVER SCALE of child pornography makes an strong age to breast size link. Ie: A cup women are seen to be much younger in the scale than b cup women. Therefore a 18yo with A cup could easily be seen as being 16, and therefore illegal. But given a B cup they are perceived as 18 and therefore legal. His lawyer thinks they can win, but it will cost a LOT of money cuase the government will just keep appealing until he either runs out of money, they win, or the case gets kicked out of court. This worries me, as i've know the man 5 years now. He's never even shown the slightest hint of being into child stuff. his partner looks young though she's 27 she still lookes over 20 with ease. so as you can see i stayed well away from this topic. But it means that in soon i could be running this place, a man i know, like and respect could be locked up on child pron charges that i really don't think sounds like him at all. But then again, you never really know people do you...the reprocussions of this could be huge for me, even though it has nothing to do with me! and the stigmasism asscociated with someone who has had anything to do with child pron is massive. Even if he is judged to be innocent people will always wonder.... with anyluck, i am right and he has done nothing wrong. I'm to scared to ask more incase i'm wrong though. so much to think about, nothing i can influence, nothing i want anything to do with... yet i am involved in this in a small way now. it's freaky. i don't know what to think or what to do other than stay silent and non judgemental... unwanted burdens.

You should just comment and not cum on it ;D