I am not excited about christmas. I will be in the middle of nowhere for it. Not that being in the middle of somewhere would change that. It will be my first in OZ that i do not spend with my family. By will video call them cause my nephews want to make sure santa visits me.
But if any one wants to send me and identical twin of Vice or Smitten or naughty_nik orOpaque or or or and so the list continues... I would be muchly appreciating of them...
In the mean time i will work right up til x-mas, and pretty much every day after it until the 30th when i can go to Darwin to see a mate for a bit...
But if any one wants to send me and identical twin of Vice or Smitten or naughty_nik orOpaque or or or and so the list continues... I would be muchly appreciating of them...
In the mean time i will work right up til x-mas, and pretty much every day after it until the 30th when i can go to Darwin to see a mate for a bit...
I'll see about stealing a hair follicle though if you like.