OK, so I made it to my new job. And well, i'm already thinking of going back to the old one. The job itself it pretty good. the rate of pay however is going to be pretty shit. I'll work an average of 60hrs a week for 6 months of the year and about 50 for the other 6 months. They want to put me on a salary which only allows for 48 hrs a week maximum. As for the hrs over that, well as far as the company is concerned it's my problem. There is 0 forms of renumeration or compensation for the extra work involved. They simply said "that's farming." as if that makes not paying people for the work they do ok. i think not. not if it involves working longer hours in a remote area and getting paid $20,000 less than my last job. Currently I took a $9/hr pay cut just to take the job, but they are silly enough to pay me penalty rates inc double time. This comes into affect after 38hrs which i usually have done by thursdays. so friday, sat and half of sun are all at dble time making it worth while to work... So i will give it unitl the end of dec and see how i feel about it all then. I do love being back in the hort industry. the fressh air in the mornings and the smell or freshly irrigated crops always relaxes me. It's also good to be back working with something I know and know well.
And about that 81 year old guy from the back packers. I decided i really don't like him. he misplaced some of his medication, then accused the german girl in our room of stealing it because "you stupid nazi girl, you took it because i am a jew. I was 15 and i saw it all. YOU killed them all. Thats why i know you took it" ok, This girl is 25 for fucks sake. she wasn't born then, her mother wasn't even born then! Yes he went through something that NOONE should EVER have to. but to blame someone with no link to the event simply cause you were stupid enough to forget where you put your meds is just not on. wanker.
now on a posotive note. The german girl N has come to stay with me. Seems she has taken quite a fancy to me. First girl in over 2 years to do that. It is really good, i am very surprised at how well we have been getting along haveing only spent about 3 days together. I do not normally get along with people that quick. It takes me weeks to get to know most people. so YAY. lol this make 4 of the last 5 girls i've been with German. hmmm still seem to have a thing for germans... i don't plan it it just happens...
And about that 81 year old guy from the back packers. I decided i really don't like him. he misplaced some of his medication, then accused the german girl in our room of stealing it because "you stupid nazi girl, you took it because i am a jew. I was 15 and i saw it all. YOU killed them all. Thats why i know you took it" ok, This girl is 25 for fucks sake. she wasn't born then, her mother wasn't even born then! Yes he went through something that NOONE should EVER have to. but to blame someone with no link to the event simply cause you were stupid enough to forget where you put your meds is just not on. wanker.
now on a posotive note. The german girl N has come to stay with me. Seems she has taken quite a fancy to me. First girl in over 2 years to do that. It is really good, i am very surprised at how well we have been getting along haveing only spent about 3 days together. I do not normally get along with people that quick. It takes me weeks to get to know most people. so YAY. lol this make 4 of the last 5 girls i've been with German. hmmm still seem to have a thing for germans... i don't plan it it just happens...
happy birthday

I quite like the new Rammstein. It is just as good as Herzaleid I think!