Hello again, sluts, whores, bitches, and assorted nim-rods.
I have returned. Why, you ask? Well, hell ... because I'm your daddy - that's why.
In any event, the site's new formatting will take some getting used to.
Since my absence I have been cock-deep in reviewing for the New York State Bar Examination, which was no day at the beach; I assure you. Also, I spent some time in the heart of darkness, hate, extremism, violence, and general wing-nuttery known as Little Green Footballs. Somehow I snuck in during an open registration period. As one might expect, my presence was greeted with the usual hateful bark of the North American Wingnut. Also, predictably, the site's operator, Chuckles "The Clown" Johnson, saw fit to ban my presence for failing to goose-step to the party line. Does the LGF party line need to be explained to anyone? Just spend 5 seconds there - you'll either laugh at the site of a bunch of dorks vomitting the usual wingnut hate, or you will cringe in fear at the prospect of how much evil could be perpetrated in their name if given the chance. I admit, both occured to me often. Not only did Chuckles ban me from the site, but after sending him some e-mails, which tended to call him out on (a) lies or (b) incorrect assertions, or (c) both, he fixed it so that I can not even VIEW the site from my IP address - typical chickenhawk behavior, but all in the name of preserving the echo-chamber.
Alright, alright, enough of the hate-o-sphere. Tomorrow and Wednesday I sit for the Bar Exam. The NY portion is tomorrow, and the multi-state is Wed. I am prepared to sodomize both portions with extreme prejudice.
And how is it humanly possible that Charley became MORE gorgeous in my absence?!
I have returned. Why, you ask? Well, hell ... because I'm your daddy - that's why.
In any event, the site's new formatting will take some getting used to.
Since my absence I have been cock-deep in reviewing for the New York State Bar Examination, which was no day at the beach; I assure you. Also, I spent some time in the heart of darkness, hate, extremism, violence, and general wing-nuttery known as Little Green Footballs. Somehow I snuck in during an open registration period. As one might expect, my presence was greeted with the usual hateful bark of the North American Wingnut. Also, predictably, the site's operator, Chuckles "The Clown" Johnson, saw fit to ban my presence for failing to goose-step to the party line. Does the LGF party line need to be explained to anyone? Just spend 5 seconds there - you'll either laugh at the site of a bunch of dorks vomitting the usual wingnut hate, or you will cringe in fear at the prospect of how much evil could be perpetrated in their name if given the chance. I admit, both occured to me often. Not only did Chuckles ban me from the site, but after sending him some e-mails, which tended to call him out on (a) lies or (b) incorrect assertions, or (c) both, he fixed it so that I can not even VIEW the site from my IP address - typical chickenhawk behavior, but all in the name of preserving the echo-chamber.
Alright, alright, enough of the hate-o-sphere. Tomorrow and Wednesday I sit for the Bar Exam. The NY portion is tomorrow, and the multi-state is Wed. I am prepared to sodomize both portions with extreme prejudice.
And how is it humanly possible that Charley became MORE gorgeous in my absence?!
You know it needs to be accompanied by a physical act to make it assault! Don't make me MAKE it assault, bitch.
If by "plant one over the monster" you mean "toss a throw from third to first over the monster" then, yes...that's what i'm talking about.