I passed the freaking test! Woohoo! SO, I need to go out for a celebratory cookie...hmmm, I haven't had cookies in a while, especially vegan ones from Trader Joe's. OH MY!! HAs anyone seen the new AP yet? There is an interview by Davey to Robert Smith and the picture of Davey killed me...I mean, it is official that I think he is one of the most beautiful men in the world--hands down-no joke.
I had two bad dreams last nite. The major one was that I was in this hospital that looked like a house and my sis and mom were there and I knew that I was dying from some terminal illness but noone wanted to tell me what it was. I remember feeling so much anger towards them because they wouldn't tell me what I was dying from. My mom would barely talk to me and when she did all I would do was scream at her out of frustration. I think dreaming about death means change...so, hopefully it is good change but the dream really creeped me the fuck out.
I'm going to dinner with Dang tonite so that should be fun. Now that it's not a secret anymore, I can't wait for G to get here so we can start hanging out! My other best friend Pepe is coming out here too and we're going to the Curiosa festival!!--YAY! So, yeah, August is shaping up to be a fun time! I'm SO happy that I passed the test and I can't wait to get my loan so I can get everything together.
take care my friends
much love and good dreams,
I passed the freaking test! Woohoo! SO, I need to go out for a celebratory cookie...hmmm, I haven't had cookies in a while, especially vegan ones from Trader Joe's. OH MY!! HAs anyone seen the new AP yet? There is an interview by Davey to Robert Smith and the picture of Davey killed me...I mean, it is official that I think he is one of the most beautiful men in the world--hands down-no joke.
I had two bad dreams last nite. The major one was that I was in this hospital that looked like a house and my sis and mom were there and I knew that I was dying from some terminal illness but noone wanted to tell me what it was. I remember feeling so much anger towards them because they wouldn't tell me what I was dying from. My mom would barely talk to me and when she did all I would do was scream at her out of frustration. I think dreaming about death means change...so, hopefully it is good change but the dream really creeped me the fuck out.

I'm going to dinner with Dang tonite so that should be fun. Now that it's not a secret anymore, I can't wait for G to get here so we can start hanging out! My other best friend Pepe is coming out here too and we're going to the Curiosa festival!!--YAY! So, yeah, August is shaping up to be a fun time! I'm SO happy that I passed the test and I can't wait to get my loan so I can get everything together.
take care my friends
much love and good dreams,

Should have some new music soon.