clear things up and to give you all an idea of why this move is so meaningful. I am moving out to LA to go to Musician's Institute to study music business. After years of trying to finish my BA in meaningless topics ranging from psychology to international relations I decided to pay attention to my artistic side and DO something about it. I have always loved music and since it is what has saved me from myself and others over and over again I have decided to work with one of my passions. So, that is why after careful research and a visit to the school I decided to go there. If anyone knows any good rental agencies they can recommend so that I can find a studio, I would greatly appreciate it.....if u wanna know more, then post a comment..thanks

do you know what area you want to be in? how much you want to be spending monthly? alrighty, well let me know, and ill be on the look out.

alrighty, im gonna have a look in the little magic apartment finders around here. you should kidnap McG, bring him out here. everyone needs to be out here. everyone worthy at least.