You know, it is way to easy to spend entirely too long on this site. What do i spend all my time on? Mostly wondering why I don't run into gals like this (SuicideGirls AND members) in my day to day life. You know, now that i think about it, I probably do, but how do you find out how cool they are?
"Say, very attractive gal that dresses like a rockstar. Are you into comic books at all?"
Yeah, so I'm gonna go back to listening to David Cross and organizing the comics. It's what i do best, anyways.
"Say, very attractive gal that dresses like a rockstar. Are you into comic books at all?"
Yeah, so I'm gonna go back to listening to David Cross and organizing the comics. It's what i do best, anyways.
Hi! Im just running around saying hi to all the Austinites!