I'm feeling kinda creative at the moment; my creativity seems to burn really strongly from time to time, and far to often I fail to take advantage of it.
I'm totally up for some crazy stuff this summer; I want to resurrect our backyard wrestling fed, REW, and put on a show, even if it's (quite likely to be) the last one we ever do, I want to go out on a big high. I'm really excited cos there's so many possibilities for the show, and so much I'd love to do. It's also exciting because it gives me a target; there is no way in hell I could get in the ring and wrestle 2 or 3 matches right now, I'm way out of shape. With the aforementioned target however, I have something that will motivate me to get into that kind of shape again, which is something I'd really quite like to do.
We'll tape it all of course, and I expect once we edit it together a version of some sorts might make it's way onto SG. I've always been proud of what we achieved at REW; we weren't one of these 'glass tubes in yer face, look how much blood I can spill' kinda feds (like so many were) but rather we put together shows with a storyline, a geeky but good sense of humour, and perhaps most surprisingly for a bunch of guys who started by jumping off a ladder onto a mattress, some really decent wrestling. Good times.
I'd also love to put together a serialised show, continuing my current obsession with zombies. I'm thinking 70's or 80's set, very over the top, very low budget, 5 minute episodes, each ending with a cliffhanger of sorts. Cheesy music, bad catchphrases and dialogue, lots of silly gore, improbable situations and all the usual zombie film trademarks. It'd be a good way to spend the summer I think! I might start doodling some character designs and writing up some screenplay actually....
Been listening to some charming old thrash/death metal; Kreator, Onslaught, etc...
I'm very proud of myself for last night picking up my guitar and managing to learn the opening riff to Maiden's Phantom of the Opera, albeit played very slowly. Still, it's progress! My guitar's annoying me though, I can't get the D string to tune properly, and when I manage to get it sounding ok it soon slips out of tune
On the other hand, my first guitar which cost like 40 on ebay, is perfectly in tune even though I haven't picked it up in months. Typical!
If any of the products of my creativity actually manage to make it to the on paper stage, I'll let you know...if anyone's interested
Peace x
I'm totally up for some crazy stuff this summer; I want to resurrect our backyard wrestling fed, REW, and put on a show, even if it's (quite likely to be) the last one we ever do, I want to go out on a big high. I'm really excited cos there's so many possibilities for the show, and so much I'd love to do. It's also exciting because it gives me a target; there is no way in hell I could get in the ring and wrestle 2 or 3 matches right now, I'm way out of shape. With the aforementioned target however, I have something that will motivate me to get into that kind of shape again, which is something I'd really quite like to do.
We'll tape it all of course, and I expect once we edit it together a version of some sorts might make it's way onto SG. I've always been proud of what we achieved at REW; we weren't one of these 'glass tubes in yer face, look how much blood I can spill' kinda feds (like so many were) but rather we put together shows with a storyline, a geeky but good sense of humour, and perhaps most surprisingly for a bunch of guys who started by jumping off a ladder onto a mattress, some really decent wrestling. Good times.
I'd also love to put together a serialised show, continuing my current obsession with zombies. I'm thinking 70's or 80's set, very over the top, very low budget, 5 minute episodes, each ending with a cliffhanger of sorts. Cheesy music, bad catchphrases and dialogue, lots of silly gore, improbable situations and all the usual zombie film trademarks. It'd be a good way to spend the summer I think! I might start doodling some character designs and writing up some screenplay actually....
Been listening to some charming old thrash/death metal; Kreator, Onslaught, etc...
I'm very proud of myself for last night picking up my guitar and managing to learn the opening riff to Maiden's Phantom of the Opera, albeit played very slowly. Still, it's progress! My guitar's annoying me though, I can't get the D string to tune properly, and when I manage to get it sounding ok it soon slips out of tune

If any of the products of my creativity actually manage to make it to the on paper stage, I'll let you know...if anyone's interested

Peace x
I definitely think you should come to Download, at least for the Friday. See, the way I figure it, they won't put 2 major headliners on at the same time so more than likely, as Motley Crue are second stage, they'll be on slightly before Faith No More. So we could spend an hour in the company of the Crue then leg it to first stage so delicious Mr Patton can perform vocal sex on our ears.
Do it! You know you want to!