Loved your comments on my top 25. Yeah, go SeaLion! KISS: Revenge is the fuckin' shit!
I had a cool night over at hemaniscool's place last night; a lack of funding on both sides led to beers, Rock Band 2, and Romero's Day of the Dead, which astonishingly, neither of us had seen. Brilliant film though, the special effects are stunning, the practical ones just feel so much more vivid and visceral than the CG stuff we get given these days.
Considering the government's bullshit budget report and the increases on alcohol, fags etc I can forsee nights in becoming a bit of a regular occurence. I think it's shocking that there are currently 40 pubs closing a week or something ridiculous like that. The pub is a British institution, imagine a Britain with no pubs! I personally love discovering quirky little pubs, or the really old ones you find in the middle of nowhere, which have been run by the same people for decades. I would rather drink in a good olde pub than anywhere else I think. Sort it out, Labour!
I stumbled across an awesome vid on youtube, I'll try and put up on my blog somewhere (usually appears at the bottom cos I is rubbish at this still) Made me laugh so much. I followed a link which led me to a short clip of Arnie working out in the late 70's. I was stunned. It's totally inspired me for my workout today
I did find myself reflecting on the action stars of the 1980's and 90's. Arnie, Sly, Dolph, Van-Damme, Willis, Gibson, Kurt Russell...these guys had such charisma, presence, and they actually looked like they could tear your head off. They felt real. God, even in Commando, which is so ridiculously over the top it's both unreal and one of my favourite guilty pleasures, you believe Arnie could do all this stuff in real life.
I miss this sort of thing; who do we realistically have that can compare to these guys? I still think Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson could pull it off, but he needs a decent, nasty 18 rated role, not some kiddie-friendly "action/adventure" film. But who else? Vin Diesel has done nothing for years and certainly not lived up to his one time billing as the next Arnie. Jason Statham is a biggish guy, but he doesn't get good scripts and I'm just personally not a fan.
Where the hell are the actors like Stallone who will go beyond what is expected with their physiques? Where are the hyper violent, cheesy line filled, explosion saturated action flicks?! Due respect to Christian Bale for putting his body through crazy changes for film roles though.
I am SO excited about Stallone's upcoming 'The Expendables' - it sounds like he's going to just go out there and pretend it's 1987 again.
Anyway, providing the link works, enjoy some classic Schwarzenegger charm:
I had a cool night over at hemaniscool's place last night; a lack of funding on both sides led to beers, Rock Band 2, and Romero's Day of the Dead, which astonishingly, neither of us had seen. Brilliant film though, the special effects are stunning, the practical ones just feel so much more vivid and visceral than the CG stuff we get given these days.
Considering the government's bullshit budget report and the increases on alcohol, fags etc I can forsee nights in becoming a bit of a regular occurence. I think it's shocking that there are currently 40 pubs closing a week or something ridiculous like that. The pub is a British institution, imagine a Britain with no pubs! I personally love discovering quirky little pubs, or the really old ones you find in the middle of nowhere, which have been run by the same people for decades. I would rather drink in a good olde pub than anywhere else I think. Sort it out, Labour!
I stumbled across an awesome vid on youtube, I'll try and put up on my blog somewhere (usually appears at the bottom cos I is rubbish at this still) Made me laugh so much. I followed a link which led me to a short clip of Arnie working out in the late 70's. I was stunned. It's totally inspired me for my workout today
I did find myself reflecting on the action stars of the 1980's and 90's. Arnie, Sly, Dolph, Van-Damme, Willis, Gibson, Kurt Russell...these guys had such charisma, presence, and they actually looked like they could tear your head off. They felt real. God, even in Commando, which is so ridiculously over the top it's both unreal and one of my favourite guilty pleasures, you believe Arnie could do all this stuff in real life.
I miss this sort of thing; who do we realistically have that can compare to these guys? I still think Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson could pull it off, but he needs a decent, nasty 18 rated role, not some kiddie-friendly "action/adventure" film. But who else? Vin Diesel has done nothing for years and certainly not lived up to his one time billing as the next Arnie. Jason Statham is a biggish guy, but he doesn't get good scripts and I'm just personally not a fan.
Where the hell are the actors like Stallone who will go beyond what is expected with their physiques? Where are the hyper violent, cheesy line filled, explosion saturated action flicks?! Due respect to Christian Bale for putting his body through crazy changes for film roles though.
I am SO excited about Stallone's upcoming 'The Expendables' - it sounds like he's going to just go out there and pretend it's 1987 again.
Anyway, providing the link works, enjoy some classic Schwarzenegger charm:
Sounds a fun night in dude. Wish I did much of anything anymore.