Back in the land of internet and other technological things
Hope everyone out there has had a good Easter holiday?
My own Easter weekend has finally ground to a halt, and it's been pretty darn fun. I was 'persuaded' to go down to my Mum's holiday cottage (she calls it a house, which it is, but cottage sounds way cooler) in Devon, with my sister and my on/off/read the last blog gf. My Mum and step-dad were already down there. It was the biggest journey my newish car has had by a long way, and I was nervous and excited in equal amounts about making it. The result was very enjoyable; the car flies along at a fair old rate and we made good time. The weather all weekend was amazing. We were there by about 10am so we went for a stroll and stopped at the local pub on the way back for a cheeky beverage and to watch the estuary life going on.
My cousins had also come down to Devon from London, and they were staying about half an hour away at my Mum's childhood holiday cottage so after lunch we went to see them.
Somehow, we ended up at another pub
I don't know how I manage it! The 'adults' walked the dogs while we sat on this gorgeous village green, right next door to the quirkiest pub I've ever set foot in, and steadily made our way through about 3 or 4 drinks each. Great to see them and catch up, and lots of drunken plans were made for us to escape to Greece where our other cousin James lives and teaches scuba. I'm hoping these plans come to fruition!!
Spent the rest of the time on walks, eating or sitting in the sun, and got home early Sunday evening.
Today I caught up with my best mate hemaniscool, went for a(nother) drink in the sunshine, and retired to his place for some gaming.
Got my last coupla shifts at the Palace coming up; tomorrow and Saturday. It's gonna be really odd realising I won't be there soon. It's been a huge part of my life for the last 4 years or so, and I love the place so much. It's like working in a medieval castle, or Hogwarts, and we've had so many good times.
We once dressed up my friend Elliott as a monk on Halloween and had him walk out of the kitchen during our break, where Barb, our resident elderly pot washer and 3rd chef, nearly suffered a heart attack. She still to this day isn't 100% sure it was him
Still, gotta move on and this new job is going to offer substantially more money and prospects, and look amazing on my CV.
My Wiimote has run out of batteries
I watched Wrestlemania X7 last night. Well, I watched Taker vs. Triple H. I've suddenly got very interested in it all again. I was a massive fan from the age of 10 or so, right through to 23, when it all went shit. I used to stay up and watch the PPVs (school night or not! hardcore!) and scare the shit out of my dad by shouting and rushing upstairs when he was fast asleep, simply because I was SO excited by what I had seen that I had to tell someone
Anyway, I was a big fan of the 1995-2003 era. I watched and loved the rise to stardom of Stone Cold, The Rock, Triple H, Jericho, Foley, Angle...this was when I feel WWF (I still hate to bastardise it to WWE just because of some Panda's) was at it's best. I would not miss RAW. I was 17 and all my friends and I were out in the Valley trying to get served shit beer in the local pubs, (like the rest of my school) but I would not miss RAW. It'd be taped, or I'd somehow find a way to watch it. It was compulsive viewing. I needed to know what Austin would pull on Vince, or who the Rock would embarrass, or just how bad-ass HHH would be...these days I turn on and I don't know half the guys, and those I do know seem to just be holding it all together. John Cena and Batista absolutely bore me to tears. I cannot watch Cena - I could do more moves in our backyard fed than Cena can do now. What's more, his finisher looks so undevastating it's unreal. Please can someone in the WWF find a decent guy to lead the way??
Right, rant over! I'm on the lookout for a good VHS to DVD recorder, as I have about 100hours of ECW PPV on VHS that WILL NOT get sold until I have a hard copy
If anyone has/can recommend one, let me know.
I find out if I passed the Personal Licence test, in order to sell alcohol, tomorrow. Fingers crossed. My little sister's stayed round tonight which has been really cool, it's always just me and my dad in the house and it's so nice to have her here.
I'm trying to decide if Jurassic Park 3 is worth a watch............
Til next time

My own Easter weekend has finally ground to a halt, and it's been pretty darn fun. I was 'persuaded' to go down to my Mum's holiday cottage (she calls it a house, which it is, but cottage sounds way cooler) in Devon, with my sister and my on/off/read the last blog gf. My Mum and step-dad were already down there. It was the biggest journey my newish car has had by a long way, and I was nervous and excited in equal amounts about making it. The result was very enjoyable; the car flies along at a fair old rate and we made good time. The weather all weekend was amazing. We were there by about 10am so we went for a stroll and stopped at the local pub on the way back for a cheeky beverage and to watch the estuary life going on.
My cousins had also come down to Devon from London, and they were staying about half an hour away at my Mum's childhood holiday cottage so after lunch we went to see them.
Somehow, we ended up at another pub

Spent the rest of the time on walks, eating or sitting in the sun, and got home early Sunday evening.
Today I caught up with my best mate hemaniscool, went for a(nother) drink in the sunshine, and retired to his place for some gaming.
Got my last coupla shifts at the Palace coming up; tomorrow and Saturday. It's gonna be really odd realising I won't be there soon. It's been a huge part of my life for the last 4 years or so, and I love the place so much. It's like working in a medieval castle, or Hogwarts, and we've had so many good times.
We once dressed up my friend Elliott as a monk on Halloween and had him walk out of the kitchen during our break, where Barb, our resident elderly pot washer and 3rd chef, nearly suffered a heart attack. She still to this day isn't 100% sure it was him

My Wiimote has run out of batteries

I watched Wrestlemania X7 last night. Well, I watched Taker vs. Triple H. I've suddenly got very interested in it all again. I was a massive fan from the age of 10 or so, right through to 23, when it all went shit. I used to stay up and watch the PPVs (school night or not! hardcore!) and scare the shit out of my dad by shouting and rushing upstairs when he was fast asleep, simply because I was SO excited by what I had seen that I had to tell someone

Right, rant over! I'm on the lookout for a good VHS to DVD recorder, as I have about 100hours of ECW PPV on VHS that WILL NOT get sold until I have a hard copy

I find out if I passed the Personal Licence test, in order to sell alcohol, tomorrow. Fingers crossed. My little sister's stayed round tonight which has been really cool, it's always just me and my dad in the house and it's so nice to have her here.
I'm trying to decide if Jurassic Park 3 is worth a watch............
Til next time

Wood Elves though, lol. Sorry to laugh but I got so tired of facing them, 2 years ago everyone played them.