Now I'm home and have managed to catch up with emails/friends/work/news, I figured I should probably do an update
Still tired, but man what a weekend! I went through the plans in my last blog so I guess regular readers will know (or can check) the plans. My cousin's 21st on Friday evening was awesome fun. I went as Slash, as planned, and despite the obvious drawbacks (not being black, for example) I thought the outfit turned out pretty well...
It's a shame that the photographer didn't fit in my skinny jeans, cowboy boots, etc etc, but I'll dig up a photo of those if anyone's interested. Met some very cool people at the party, and then while walking down Tottenham Court Road I was shouted at by three really drunk guys who were like 'Slash! Hey, Slash!', then came over and started giving me high fives and shaking my hand. Bit surreal!
I then caught a train at about 2pm on Saturday to take me to Kent, for Ben's stag party. I was a bit apprehensive about this, cos I haven't seen Ben in two years and I didn't really know anyone there. I didn't need to worry though, as there was a really great bunch of guys there, who made me feel very welcome and very much a part of the group.
At high school I was definitely not one of the sporty jock types, and I was glad, but also generally envious of some of their 'group perks'. So on Saturday I was thrown into the mix with 14 other guys who knew each other quite well, and ticked some of those jock sterotype boxes. I was pretty nervous; I'm a million miles from the timid, scared, anxious boy of 14-17, but it was an intimidating prospect. So after 24 hours in their company, through the rigours of Pub Golf, drinking games in general, a meal, hanging out... I survived. But then, I not only survived, but I actually discovered that it was really enjoyable to be around a big group of guys, being a bit bullish, and a bit rowdy. There was lots of banter and pisstaking out of everyone, but never to the extent that someone got hurt, and never in a malicious manner. It also never got to the typical movie-centric opinion of jocks - humour was only ever directed at people within the group. In the end, I felt accepted, and I had a blast; pub golf was outrageously fun, I learned to give as good as I got when it came to the banter and at the end of it all, I'd made some good friends.
It was great to see Ben, who I was very good friends with all through Uni. We caught up very quickly, and he being a Spurs fan, it wasn't long before we were trading insults like in the old days
I'm hoping the photos will go up at some point, because they made for good viewing.
I got home at about 7pm last night, cooked real quick and went to the local with hemaniscool, my partner in alcoholic crime, and some friends. We had the pub practically all to ourselves so took advantage, put ridiculous songs on the jukebox (well, you're asking for trouble with a 'best of the 90's' album) and danced like loons. A good time was had by all.
Today's been pretty chilled...handed in my notice at the Bishop's Palace, in anticipation of starting at Cafe Piano. It'll be sad to leave the Palace, and seeing some of my work colleagues it was surprisingly difficult to break the news to them. In other cases it verged on enjoyable
Still, this is an opportunity I can't miss.
Trawled the charity shops in Wells with hemaniscool in search of bargains and picked up a couple of records. I've realised a love for charity shops in the last 6 months or so - I really enjoy not knowing what will be on offer; I know what there'll be if I walk into HMV etc, but obviously with charity shops it's a big unknown. My big vices are records and books, and I'm gonna go look for some more tomorrow
In other news I've been playing Madworld to death on the Wii. If anyone out there has a wii then I strongly recommend getting hold of it, it's ridiculously cheap in GAME at the moment. It plays out like a comic book, all in highly stylised black and white graphics, with the blood in a bright red; and there's a LOT of it. I won't spoil anymore other than saying it's a cross between Escape from New York, The Running Man and Manhunt. Oh, and your lead character has a chainsaw attached to his forearm. Job done
Sleep tonight. God knows I need it!
Til next time,

Still tired, but man what a weekend! I went through the plans in my last blog so I guess regular readers will know (or can check) the plans. My cousin's 21st on Friday evening was awesome fun. I went as Slash, as planned, and despite the obvious drawbacks (not being black, for example) I thought the outfit turned out pretty well...

I then caught a train at about 2pm on Saturday to take me to Kent, for Ben's stag party. I was a bit apprehensive about this, cos I haven't seen Ben in two years and I didn't really know anyone there. I didn't need to worry though, as there was a really great bunch of guys there, who made me feel very welcome and very much a part of the group.
At high school I was definitely not one of the sporty jock types, and I was glad, but also generally envious of some of their 'group perks'. So on Saturday I was thrown into the mix with 14 other guys who knew each other quite well, and ticked some of those jock sterotype boxes. I was pretty nervous; I'm a million miles from the timid, scared, anxious boy of 14-17, but it was an intimidating prospect. So after 24 hours in their company, through the rigours of Pub Golf, drinking games in general, a meal, hanging out... I survived. But then, I not only survived, but I actually discovered that it was really enjoyable to be around a big group of guys, being a bit bullish, and a bit rowdy. There was lots of banter and pisstaking out of everyone, but never to the extent that someone got hurt, and never in a malicious manner. It also never got to the typical movie-centric opinion of jocks - humour was only ever directed at people within the group. In the end, I felt accepted, and I had a blast; pub golf was outrageously fun, I learned to give as good as I got when it came to the banter and at the end of it all, I'd made some good friends.
It was great to see Ben, who I was very good friends with all through Uni. We caught up very quickly, and he being a Spurs fan, it wasn't long before we were trading insults like in the old days

I got home at about 7pm last night, cooked real quick and went to the local with hemaniscool, my partner in alcoholic crime, and some friends. We had the pub practically all to ourselves so took advantage, put ridiculous songs on the jukebox (well, you're asking for trouble with a 'best of the 90's' album) and danced like loons. A good time was had by all.
Today's been pretty chilled...handed in my notice at the Bishop's Palace, in anticipation of starting at Cafe Piano. It'll be sad to leave the Palace, and seeing some of my work colleagues it was surprisingly difficult to break the news to them. In other cases it verged on enjoyable

Trawled the charity shops in Wells with hemaniscool in search of bargains and picked up a couple of records. I've realised a love for charity shops in the last 6 months or so - I really enjoy not knowing what will be on offer; I know what there'll be if I walk into HMV etc, but obviously with charity shops it's a big unknown. My big vices are records and books, and I'm gonna go look for some more tomorrow

In other news I've been playing Madworld to death on the Wii. If anyone out there has a wii then I strongly recommend getting hold of it, it's ridiculously cheap in GAME at the moment. It plays out like a comic book, all in highly stylised black and white graphics, with the blood in a bright red; and there's a LOT of it. I won't spoil anymore other than saying it's a cross between Escape from New York, The Running Man and Manhunt. Oh, and your lead character has a chainsaw attached to his forearm. Job done

Sleep tonight. God knows I need it!
Til next time,
Dude, you're looking pimp as Slash, maybe you shoud adopt the look mor eoftne