Has spelling correctly become a thing of the past? Did the schools drop this subject due to lack of funds and teachers? Am I the only one that thinks poor spelling reflects badly on the writer? (EDIT: Okay, I'm dense. I didn't understand what people were trying to tell me. I changed it.)
I know that for some of the people who post here English is a second (or third or fourth ...) language and I'm not bothered by that kind of mistake. But if you speak English daily and you can't spell "the" correctly GO BACK TO FOURTH GRADE! I am sick of "teh" a dozen times in one posting. An occasional mistake is one thing but that is ridiculous.
I understand that some misspellings are done for the coolness but it stops being cool when it makes you look ignorant. I read posts from people who are obviously intelligent making themselves appear uneducated by ALWAYS spelling certain words wrong. Is it really necessary to dumb down your writing to fit in here?
I'm not a perfect speller but I try take a few seconds to run everything through a spell checker. Even on sites like this one that don't have a built in spell checker (and I don't believe it needs to add one) I use one of the dozens of FREE tools to check myself. Is it too much to ask? And don't get me started on things like "to," "too," and "two" or "there," and "they're." I know our education system is in the toilet, but how can we ever expect to recover it if people won't make at least a small effort to improve themselves?
One amusing point, when I checked myself I had misspelled "misspellings."
I know that for some of the people who post here English is a second (or third or fourth ...) language and I'm not bothered by that kind of mistake. But if you speak English daily and you can't spell "the" correctly GO BACK TO FOURTH GRADE! I am sick of "teh" a dozen times in one posting. An occasional mistake is one thing but that is ridiculous.

I understand that some misspellings are done for the coolness but it stops being cool when it makes you look ignorant. I read posts from people who are obviously intelligent making themselves appear uneducated by ALWAYS spelling certain words wrong. Is it really necessary to dumb down your writing to fit in here?

I'm not a perfect speller but I try take a few seconds to run everything through a spell checker. Even on sites like this one that don't have a built in spell checker (and I don't believe it needs to add one) I use one of the dozens of FREE tools to check myself. Is it too much to ask? And don't get me started on things like "to," "too," and "two" or "there," and "they're." I know our education system is in the toilet, but how can we ever expect to recover it if people won't make at least a small effort to improve themselves?
One amusing point, when I checked myself I had misspelled "misspellings."

If you don't vote, you have no right to complain about how your governments are run.
That is the ONLY thing that I can directly remember from my high school government teacher.