I just wanted to give you some news with my life.
I recently started what I call Sober September which is to go sober for all the month of September. Let me explain why i'm doing this, it started with my friend and i talking about self control and tolerance break. At first we were kind of joking but after a couple of days i started to really rethink this sober thing. I can honestly say that for the better part of the last 4 years I haven't been sober very much. I was either High on weed or drunk and it got me to take some choice that i'm not always proud. Don't get me wrong i don't regret it but my life was an infinite loop, i didn't make any important choices with my life. I stopped going to school and i was parting my ass off. Every chance i got to go out drinking and smoking i took it. I need some change in my life that's why i'm taking a 180 turn and doing this personal challenge. I wanna get my head clear of all the bad decision I made and try to change the way i'm living now. So far it's been 8 days and i feel great, of course it's hard to go out with my friends and not get shit faced drunk with them but I get a lot of positive comment about my choice and a lot of my friends are proud of me and so are my parents. I'm looking for new friends at the moment, maybe some people who don't smoke or drink. Well if they do not as much as my current friends with whom we were only partying. It kinda feel nice to have a clear head for once.
I started doing some long board, i got a nice road near of my apartment which is pretty nice. i'm not very good but i'm getting there :P
other that this I recently buy a snake, cool little creature I named him Randy in honor of Randy Marsh from south park haha. It's a corn snake Okeetee with nice colors. He's only 2 months old but I can't wait to see him grow