Last night was one of my most drunk nights ever. We went to some club in Lago Patria and there was sand; sand is an evil thing. When I left my room I had a slight buzz but by the time I got there it had worn off. I'm not sure what I had to drink there but within an hour or so I couldn't even stand up. I was falling over onto people and when I hit the sand I usually ended up face first into the sand. One of my friends picked me up and carried me to the car and I just laid there until the rest of them got back. Who knows how long I was laying there. I got the full details of the story just now and it was fucking hilarious. I was
everywhere and I fell over into my own puke....kinda embarassing but funny as shit nonetheless. I woke up and my floor was covered in water. I still have no idea why. I got the worst headache in the world right now. SOMEONE SHOOT ME PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sand is BAD
sand is evil