Test is done, time to relax. I started taking these pills that will help me get rid of my beer gut. They probably won't work cause I'm still going to drink. They'll probably counter-act each other and keep it where it's at. I'm not sure why but I wanna slow down on the drinking a little bit, possibly because we've finshed a case of beer...
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Work tonight, meting after work, stay up after work, sleep, test after sleep, sleep some more.....what a boring life
Fucking I hate dying. I died 5 times in a row playing CoH and I'm in a fuckload of debt....back to the game
I got all my parts and my computer is built. What a beautiful thing.
I feel like a computer geek after that statement...
But it's fast as shit and it has real pretty lights and I can play my favorite games and its great. FYI: RIght now its City of Heroes, infinity server and Doom 3 and Farcry. FarCry is an awesome game. If i...
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I feel like a computer geek after that statement...
But it's fast as shit and it has real pretty lights and I can play my favorite games and its great. FYI: RIght now its City of Heroes, infinity server and Doom 3 and Farcry. FarCry is an awesome game. If i...
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hey its ok. im a computer geek too.
Today was a pretty good day...so far. I had to go into work and learn about STD's. That was very, um, interesting to say the least. Then I got my mail. This made me so fucking happy. I got my new monitor, my new case, my video card, hard drive, lights and some other shit I ordered. It looks nice but still need to get...
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thats like the one i have now... they do rule! 

where do u get those chasers pills u mentioned in ur journal entry? i got the rest of my hardware parts except my speakers which are 5.1 surround sound..poor neighbors. win xp will be here tomorrow so it'll be functional tomorrow minus the loud music

Let's see, I just got a phone call that I'm not sure how to feel about. I'm leaving Italy early. I should be gone at the latest October next year but more likely it will be March-May next year. There is so much I want to do but then again I miss the states. If I do go back to the states I will get...
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where are you going?
I just got back from Maryland a little bit ago. I had a blast. Went to Warped Tour and Projekt Revolution. They were a blast. Good times in general. Now I'm back in Italy and hating it. The room is kinda drab compared to my room back in Maryland....anyhow back in Italy now.
Warped tour! i hate you! hahah
i wanted to go soo bad.
i wanted to go soo bad.
Warped tour was fun. You should of went hehe. Don't give me a

What a fun nightl! I thought my boy was getting into a a fight so I jumped in and sarted swining. ayow I leave for theates tomorrorrow, C ya;lll later
^ I was drunk as shit...Leave for the states in about 9 hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't fucking wait. It's been 10 months. Everything works out in the end. I got my plane tickets, my pay is straight...
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^ I was drunk as shit...Leave for the states in about 9 hours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can't fucking wait. It's been 10 months. Everything works out in the end. I got my plane tickets, my pay is straight...
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have a safe flight
i went to see the movie at capo

i went to see the movie at capo

I don't know why but I've been real depressed lately....It's weird. I sit in my room with the lights off and think bad thoughts....Not so much about other people but about myself. Like why my friend backstab me or why my friends who I think are my friends are the people talking about me. The only thing that really gets me through all this shit...
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I know the feeling, trust me.. music can sometimes help but sometimes can be your worst enemy.. if you feel that you need to vent by listening to music and breaking stuff.. then go for it.. dont want u doing something worse..
*hugs* hope you feel better ..
Im back in Italy btw

*hugs* hope you feel better ..

Im back in Italy btw

Welcome back! I leave this Saturday and come back August 13th. Gonna have lots of fun when I go home hopefully....warped tour and projekt revolution!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I got pretty drunk tonight.....but then again when am I not drunk. I'm trying to get back on a day time schedule beings I just got done a night time schedule.... its hard as fuck but hey, someone's gotta do it...the question is why me!?!?!?!? talk to u all at a later date. have a great day and try not to get too stoned cause...
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i cant believe u didnt go and talk to me!!! hahah