Its that time of year again....
When you see the red Salvation Army Kettle and hear that bell tingle, don't drop a dime in it, rather drop some knowledge.
Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays-Genesee County (PFLAG-Genesee County) sponsor a holiday project to call attention to the discriminatory policies of the Salvation Army toward lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender persons (lgbt). When the Salvation Army soldiers are ringing bells outside businesses, PGLAG-Genesee County members and concerned citizens will be giving reminder bills that the Salvation Army's policies promote bigotry and hate and will not be supported.
The backroom dealing of the Salvation Army became apparent when the Bush administration was pushed by the Salvation Army to exempt religious organizations from obeying local and state anti-discrimination laws concerning glbt persons. In return, the Salvation Army would have been a strong advocate for Bush's faith based initiative. This backroom dealing brought to light the danger of unholy unions between government and religious institutions.
We want the Salvation Army to know that we can no longer support an organization that discriminates against our loved ones. We intend to give to charitable organizations that understand and accept gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender persons as equal citizens, entitled to the same consideration as every other person.
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When you see the red Salvation Army Kettle and hear that bell tingle, don't drop a dime in it, rather drop some knowledge.
Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays-Genesee County (PFLAG-Genesee County) sponsor a holiday project to call attention to the discriminatory policies of the Salvation Army toward lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender persons (lgbt). When the Salvation Army soldiers are ringing bells outside businesses, PGLAG-Genesee County members and concerned citizens will be giving reminder bills that the Salvation Army's policies promote bigotry and hate and will not be supported.
The backroom dealing of the Salvation Army became apparent when the Bush administration was pushed by the Salvation Army to exempt religious organizations from obeying local and state anti-discrimination laws concerning glbt persons. In return, the Salvation Army would have been a strong advocate for Bush's faith based initiative. This backroom dealing brought to light the danger of unholy unions between government and religious institutions.
We want the Salvation Army to know that we can no longer support an organization that discriminates against our loved ones. We intend to give to charitable organizations that understand and accept gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender persons as equal citizens, entitled to the same consideration as every other person.
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it sucks that an organization so widespread and widely renowned would stoop to such low behaviour towards we queer folk!
do you have any other ideas of which similar (but better and fair) organization to give money to?