guess it's my turn to catch the bug so many have spread around. feeling a tad down. coughing, etc.. oh well. earlier i did find hope in the following article. evidently haggard is healed of being homosexual. how dear that is.;_ylt=AqgRQCJOL7RePmtwa7_oERGs0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA3OTB1amhuBHNlYwNtdHM-;_ylt=AqgRQCJOL7RePmtwa7_oERGs0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTA3OTB1amhuBHNlYwNtdHM-
-Bachelard: poetics of space
bakhtin: problems of dostoevsky's poetics
chatman: story and discourse
kafka: basic kafka
hoffman: essentials of theory of fiction
mchale: postmodernist fiction