i came to sg year and half ago after stumbling onto a link to this site while checking out journal and magazine addresses--places to send my writing. it was a cool discovery and i'm not sure i'd have ever found out about sg otherwise. so, i don't expect much response since i suspect only one person ever checks this out; but, how did you happen across this site? just curious how folks find suicide girls.
More Blogs
Saturday Apr 26, 2008
april is closing it's doors. and what an april it's been. mostly cold… -
Thursday Apr 17, 2008
last weekend i finally got to watch "wristcutters: a love story." it'… -
Saturday Mar 29, 2008
it's been a terrific week. juliana spahr, a wonderful poet and critic… -
Monday Feb 18, 2008
breakfast on pluto. magical film. i finally had chance to see it l… -
Friday Feb 15, 2008
loyalty. i tend to be unreasonable in my loyalty to my friends. i don… -
Saturday Feb 02, 2008
for those of you interested, you can now read my story, "creations my… -
Wednesday Jan 16, 2008
i would definitely rather be there. but i'm here. and it's freezing. -
Friday Jan 04, 2008
ellen page. she was on letterman last night. cool actor. showtime… -
Monday Dec 31, 2007
phew. that's over.