My birthdays the 19th! 😁
this weeks blog topic from @missy & @rambo is how suicide girls changed your life?.
Through suicide girls I've met the most kind, warm hearted people. I've made so many friendships just through suicide girls. In high school I was picked on a lot. I had one friend through out my high school days. She's my soulmate 😉 I was very shy and insecure in my younger days. I'm still some what shy if I'm high enough lol but suicide girls has given me a confidence that I never thought I would have. It's also changed what I thought was beautiful. I love the friendships I've made through suicide girls.
* Last Saturday was the SXSW suicide girl party at hotel Vegas. My soulmate and I drove down to Austin. When we got there it was pouring down rain, couldn't find anyway to park on 6th street. So we drove around an hour and finally found a parking spot. I finally got to see @alissa again. I'm pretty bummed we didn't get to shoot this trip but next time forsure. Anyway got to see the beautiful @katherine and so many other babes.

My second set "stronger" shot by @azera comes to member review march 22 in a few days!
Follow me on Instagram for more selfies! @dazedsuicide