this weeks blog topic @missy came up with is choose your favorite set and the day you shot it..
Since I only have one set on the site, I'll tell you about it.
My first set before noon was shot by the super amazing @alissa in Atx in January 2013. I was so nervous. This was the first time I ever had a photoshoot. All I could think about is how am I supposed to know if I'm making a stupid face lol. My boyfriend Alex came with me to let me know when I was indeed making a stupid face. 😂 When I met Alissa for the first time she was so laid back and super nice, I immediately felt comfortable, then Alissa opened the door to where we were shooting and there was @radeo just doing the dishes like no biggie. Radeo has always been an inspiration to me. I couldn't help but be star stuck. Alex, my boyfriend just starred at radeo the whole time. Hahah he didn't know what to do with himself.
After my shoot, we went to get food, smoked a little bit. Chilling with @radeo and @alissa was a dream come true.