I was flipping through tumblr when I first noticed what suicide girls was. I always admired suicide girls and wished I had the confidence to do what these beautiful girls do. One day I was talking to my boyfriend about it really just wishing to him I could become one and that night I applied honesty thinking I would never hear back. Suicide girls has showed me you don't need to have the perfect body, it's okay to have small tits (which I was extremely self-conscious about!). I love being a suicide girl. I'm so grateful for this community!
I got some new tattoos too! I'm pretty friggin stoked!
My second set stronger also comes out now on March 21. I thought it got bumped up to march 11 and I got super excited because my birthday is the 19 so how cool would it have been if it could have been on front page but it's better then the first date in April!