tivo rules. seriously.
i can now watch episodes of cops at any time, skipping commercials all along the way.
fuck yeah.
i had ultimatetv for almost a year and loved it, but it requires directv, which i cancelled when i moved. so i sold the ultimatetv box on ebay and bought the tivo.. for the same price. basically, i traded up, because the tivo has 60 hours of storage, compared to the 35 hours of ultimatetv. but i still like the ultimatetv's interface a lot more. pvr's rule.
fuck yeah.
i can now watch episodes of cops at any time, skipping commercials all along the way.
fuck yeah.
i had ultimatetv for almost a year and loved it, but it requires directv, which i cancelled when i moved. so i sold the ultimatetv box on ebay and bought the tivo.. for the same price. basically, i traded up, because the tivo has 60 hours of storage, compared to the 35 hours of ultimatetv. but i still like the ultimatetv's interface a lot more. pvr's rule.
fuck yeah.
-I need you to tivo things for me and then record them to tapes since Ihave the no cable. serisouly.