i wish that i could think of something intelligent to say. you did the right thing (telling her parents, i mean), and i'm sure that it meant a lot to her family. having feelings for a very close friend is definitely not an easy thing, especially when one of us is invovled with someone else. i've made it a rule to keep my mouth shut about that stuff, and that friend of mine made that same rule. it's hard not to say anything, but it's just as hard to say it. sometimes that fucks stuff up between you two. while it's been years since i've been convinced that every male is a walking sperm stand just waiting to fuck with me, i still appreciate to see the softer sides of boys since not many will open up that side. i really do hope that alexis gets out of this situation. she shouldn't think that she has to settle for this. i don't know what i can say that will really be constructive and helpful, so i'll shut up.
dude, you type too mch, I'm too lazy.. joke. really, I'm glad I encouraged yo uto put it up, and i'm gladder you did. (gladder?) Anyway, these jouranls give you the opportunit to show the rest of us all what kind of life you have and what kind of person you are, and we can all now see just that.
The following is taken from something I once said about friends on this very site.
I once told someone, and still mean it, that the best and most unique thing that any member of the human race can do at any time is simply be a friend to and love someone. I mean, it's maybe the one thing that humans can do that is unique to them inside our nature. (besides destroy stuff real good)
Seriously, you could help an old lady across the street, you could donate money to charity, you could buy a homeles guy a meal. these are all fantastic noble things to better the world, but on a serious, personal and emotional level, the most amazing and truly GIVING Thing you can do is to be a true, good FRIEND to someone. That will give so much more to one individual person than your broad-ranged good deeds could make any indiviidual feel, plus it makes you feel great too. What a gret deal...who wouldn't want ot be a friend?
Even when you do something that hurts you or makes you feel terrible, when you know you are doing it because it's the best thing for your friend, you can't help but sitll feel a little good, even if you're in physical or emotional pain. and that's amazing.
Way too many people to count on SG fell into that inner feeling of "friend" way faster than is normally expected out in the big bad real world.
-LOVE to al my friends, I wish I could put the whole site on my friend's list. yay,
Dave (smooches for you)
So yeah, I still mean all that. I have done so many selfles thigns for friends of mine, and I never regretted them, even if it meant serious emotional or hysical pain for me. you are being a truly great friend, and therefore a truly great human being. rock on wit hyour noble self, bad-ass.
-You're like batman, yo.
The following is taken from something I once said about friends on this very site.
I once told someone, and still mean it, that the best and most unique thing that any member of the human race can do at any time is simply be a friend to and love someone. I mean, it's maybe the one thing that humans can do that is unique to them inside our nature. (besides destroy stuff real good)
Seriously, you could help an old lady across the street, you could donate money to charity, you could buy a homeles guy a meal. these are all fantastic noble things to better the world, but on a serious, personal and emotional level, the most amazing and truly GIVING Thing you can do is to be a true, good FRIEND to someone. That will give so much more to one individual person than your broad-ranged good deeds could make any indiviidual feel, plus it makes you feel great too. What a gret deal...who wouldn't want ot be a friend?
Even when you do something that hurts you or makes you feel terrible, when you know you are doing it because it's the best thing for your friend, you can't help but sitll feel a little good, even if you're in physical or emotional pain. and that's amazing.
Way too many people to count on SG fell into that inner feeling of "friend" way faster than is normally expected out in the big bad real world.
-LOVE to al my friends, I wish I could put the whole site on my friend's list. yay,
Dave (smooches for you)
So yeah, I still mean all that. I have done so many selfles thigns for friends of mine, and I never regretted them, even if it meant serious emotional or hysical pain for me. you are being a truly great friend, and therefore a truly great human being. rock on wit hyour noble self, bad-ass.
-You're like batman, yo.