* Hope everyone had an awesome weekend. I did
* Condition of socks: Rocked by shokwave
* My new kitten is evil. He's killing a lizard right now and purring really really loud. Evil little kitten. The other cats kill stuff, but they don't get all happy about it.
* Ew
and the ketchup ones are practically glow in the dark red.
* I love driving in the car with all the windows down and the sunroof back and going like 80 on I-95 and my hair is whipping about my face. It's awesome.
* Nothing else to say but duck!

* Condition of socks: Rocked by shokwave
* My new kitten is evil. He's killing a lizard right now and purring really really loud. Evil little kitten. The other cats kill stuff, but they don't get all happy about it.

* Ew

* I love driving in the car with all the windows down and the sunroof back and going like 80 on I-95 and my hair is whipping about my face. It's awesome.
* Nothing else to say but duck!

I love cats, especially my cat, even though I really don't think she likes me all too much. She only comes to me when she's hungry...I just made myself sad...cats are evil, the little shits. M cat wouldn't even kill a llizard that ran into the house. I think she jumped on the couch before I did.

Where did you find Ketchup flavored chips? I thought they only sold those overseas....