Old pussy meets new pussy

Hope everyone had an awesome weekend. I worked all weekend. Oh well, maybe one of these days I'll actually get a life outside of school, work, sleep

So, my psycho ex won't leave me alone. He changes his screen name and tries to convince me that I ended a good thing. Lunatic. I have to move. I'm always scared that he's just going to show up off his meds one day and kidnap me and chop me into little pieces. Thank god he doesn't know I have this journal.
I am convinced that most doctors are idiots. Please people, try to find out a lot about your pre-existing condition before you go to the hospital, because doctors don't know shit.
One of my co-workers is such a cunt. I use that word far too much now thanks to shokwave. Cunt cunty cunt cunt. I used to have such an aversion to it. I still think its an angry word, but it is the best word to describe her.
Did everyone see Apnea's new set?

My birthday is in 3 weeks. I'm getting old

Yea im scared too but fuck it imma get both done at once to save time...and repeating pain.
Imma go back to this lady i got my navel done from cuz she is soooooo nice and makes me relax. Plus she is all tatted and pierced up. I like it when my piercer and tat person has alot of shit they can let you truly know how it hurts etc....
(Merlins Tattoos-shameless plug)
PS He and i spoke and he is gonna come over tonight for dinner...i am making catfish and hushpuppies and collard greens
Ah cunt- such a lovely word!!
To borrow one of my favorite pieces on cunts:
I call it cunt. I've reclaimed it, "cunt." I really like it. "Cunt." Listen to it. "Cunt." C C. Ca Ca. Cavern, cackle, clit, cute, come-closed c-closed inside, inside ca-then u-then cu-then curvy, inviting sharkskin u-uniform, under, up urge, ugh, ugh, u -- then n then cun -- snug letters fitting perfectly together -- n -- nest, now, nexus, nice, nice, always depth, always round in upper case, cun, cun-n a jagged wicked electrical pulse-n (high pitched noise) then soft n-warm n -- cun, cun, then t -- then sharp certain tangy t -- texture, take, tent, tight, tantalizing, tensing, taste, tendrils, time, tactile, tell me, tell me "Cunt cunt," say it, tell me "Cunt." "Cunt."