To all those that didn't get flowers and chocolate for V-day, here you are:
Sorry, I ate the good ones.
And in case anyone was wondering, my socks? still being rocked by shokwave
I've very lucky to have the best boyfriend ever. Except for when he's trying to eat the cat.
I'm in a picture posting mood. Look, it's my eye!
My name is Dayva and I will eat your soul. Mmmm, tasty souls.
Sorry, I ate the good ones.
And in case anyone was wondering, my socks? still being rocked by shokwave
I'm in a picture posting mood. Look, it's my eye!
My name is Dayva and I will eat your soul. Mmmm, tasty souls.
thanks for sharing the flowers and chocolates ...looks like you cleared out a whole good row there those mustve been the good ones...
Hehhe, I definitely don't think I pout. I mean I might look a little emotional every now and again but I have a lot on my mind!