Well life is starting to look up! For I have forgiven her and everyone else who perfectly orchestrated my death defying fall from grace. For it is over now. I am not dead and I am truly getting the help I need finally. Letting go was so hard but building myself back up will be even harder. They say if I had it all I'd...
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I will prepare. I will strike. I will strike with immense destruction. For I am not dead. I am just the tears of the past years in your head.
To everyone else Love and peace and total serenity!
To everyone else Love and peace and total serenity!

Just got back from Tibet. Helped the Dali Lama with his golf stroke. Yeah golf is really big over there. He was so greatful that he said he will grant me upon my death bed total counsiousnus. So I got that going for me. What do you? Peace!

She fades away
with the pain
She fades away
Never seen arms like hers
never seen scars like hers
She fades away
into a world
a world that died today
in the beauty of this gray
She fades away
to haunt me another day
Peace to all my so so dreary lovelies out in SG land.
with the pain
She fades away
Never seen arms like hers
never seen scars like hers
She fades away
into a world
a world that died today
in the beauty of this gray
She fades away
to haunt me another day
Peace to all my so so dreary lovelies out in SG land.
Serenity now!

Happy turkey day to all my dear lovelies swimming upstream in SG land. Peace!

Well I'm feeling better now. I'm living in milligrams but that is better than not living at all. I'll see this through. What else would you expect from me. You may not know me but I am a hard mother fucker and I will never give up. I know my enemy.
"She said it's only in my head"
Counting Crows
Well Peace to my sweet...
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"She said it's only in my head"
Counting Crows
Well Peace to my sweet...
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Are you listening?
Up there,
to anyone at all.
Peace and love to you all out there surfing in SG land!
Are you listening?
Up there,
to anyone at all.
Peace and love to you all out there surfing in SG land!
I like your blog!!! its sweet!!! anyways glad you like the video blog will make a new one shortly...soooo stay posted!!!
Never let a man make you stoop low enough that you hate him.

I will not paint the last leaf on for her. I simply cannot. She would not let me any way. Never could get through to her in any way. She will have to live and die that way. She is so lost but simply cannot be consoled by pity. She cannot be consoled or even controlled. She has become the anger that I insist is...
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