Well life is starting to look up! For I have forgiven her and everyone else who perfectly orchestrated my death defying fall from grace. For it is over now. I am not dead and I am truly getting the help I need finally. Letting go was so hard but building myself back up will be even harder. They say if I had it all I'd change it all. But the bottom line is you can't have it all again and if you go on wishing for it all again you are living in your regrets. I will not and cannot do that. The choice was mine and I will live in this mess until it is all cleaned up and I have learned to remember and learn from the scars that never fade. I still a, not ready to fully engage yet I am preparing. It is(healing) about so many things but I got the love in my heart and the desire--I must prepare first if I am to strike last.
Well peace to all my dearly dreary dreamy lovelies
Well peace to all my dearly dreary dreamy lovelies