Oh Fuck! Stated my new job and really fucking loving it. Well she is gone. Yet I'll move on and forgive with the anger that keeps me warm while she is away. Well I'm going to bed. Very sick. Sick for almost year that I've been this way. My stomach is all fucked and no Dr.'s can find out what is wrong. But my benies kicked in at my new job so hopefully we will find out what is wrong tomorrow. I lost 80lbs since September. But it is not how a man dies but the way a man lives to judge him by. Oh shit I AM fucked(I have been off the past 2 days and have not even been to musikfest yet. So never know maybe I AM dying? Too much to think about very tired-meds kicking in.) Peace Love and goodnight to all.
More Blogs
Saturday Jun 26, 2010
Well all I needed was 1 more week and I could have gotten off of my j… -
Thursday Jun 24, 2010
Every body has to die sometime. -
Monday Jun 07, 2010
Maybe I'm still alive. Peace! -
Saturday Jun 05, 2010
I'm pretty sure i"m gone now. Just a faint Illusion. peace. -
Tuesday May 18, 2010
You must be Holiday! That's the rumor. What about you? Are you… -
Monday May 10, 2010
We cross? -
Wednesday Apr 21, 2010
All I need is some pot and some Jack. It has been far too long so I'… -
Friday Apr 09, 2010
I will not waste any more time loving what I'll never have because al… -
Thursday Mar 18, 2010
I am deeply in love with a woman. But to her I don't exist. That is… -
Friday Mar 05, 2010
Yes I fucked up again. Peace