mmmmmmmmmm.........just got done with the weekly Sunday morning sex. My legs are a shakin.
Just added a new folder, for my camera phone pics. Im gonna try to add more today.
Had a good time last night, despite having to pay 10 bucks to get into the Door. My friend from highschool really wanted me to come see her husbands band play. The band was ok, but they dont serve alcohol there, and it was 10 DOLLARS, for a band we didn't even know. Yes yes I know I am a cheap ass. Afterwards we went bar hoping in deep ellum with another married couple I know from highschool. I really didnt like this girl that much in highschool, just cause she never really had much to say. But she is wayyy cooler now. We all went to Elm Street bar, then July Ally, and lastly the Velvet Hookah.
Elm Street bar was pretty chill as always. We got dollar jello shots, and that's always a good deal. July Ally sucked, we too narrow of a bar, and way too crowded. It was our first time in the Velvet Hookah, and I have to say we were all pleasently suprized. Despite the tedious techno music, it had a cozy atmosphere, nice people, and my fav the belly dancers. The belly dancers hopped around on the floor, and jumped up on the tables, and even danced with other girls.
And I got to be one of the other girls! Aaron went over and told one of them I wanted a dance, so I got up and did a bit of hip shaking.
Just added a new folder, for my camera phone pics. Im gonna try to add more today.
Had a good time last night, despite having to pay 10 bucks to get into the Door. My friend from highschool really wanted me to come see her husbands band play. The band was ok, but they dont serve alcohol there, and it was 10 DOLLARS, for a band we didn't even know. Yes yes I know I am a cheap ass. Afterwards we went bar hoping in deep ellum with another married couple I know from highschool. I really didnt like this girl that much in highschool, just cause she never really had much to say. But she is wayyy cooler now. We all went to Elm Street bar, then July Ally, and lastly the Velvet Hookah.
Elm Street bar was pretty chill as always. We got dollar jello shots, and that's always a good deal. July Ally sucked, we too narrow of a bar, and way too crowded. It was our first time in the Velvet Hookah, and I have to say we were all pleasently suprized. Despite the tedious techno music, it had a cozy atmosphere, nice people, and my fav the belly dancers. The belly dancers hopped around on the floor, and jumped up on the tables, and even danced with other girls.
And I got to be one of the other girls! Aaron went over and told one of them I wanted a dance, so I got up and did a bit of hip shaking.