Finally got high speed internet at home, but I have no time to chat because ive got finals coming up. Also I start my ICU rotation next week, so maybe I will have some interesting stories to tell pretty soon!
i had a great thanksgiving. i got to see one of my favorite cousins and his girlfriend of 16 years. we smoked a lot of pot and played dominoes into the wee morning. we had 42 pies at my uncle's house; we beat last year's record of 36!! so i ate pie until i felt gross from all the sugar. that's what happened. good luck on your finals. i took my only one last week.
i used to go to the sunshine bar off of division. i have not been to caves lounge yet, but a few of my friends go there for karaoke.. ill have to check out the bars you mentioned in ft worth. never been to either.
hope to see you soon.