Well, I got my clinical assignements over the weekend. When I found out that they were all in Dallas I kinda was bummed (I wanted Ft W) but it turned out to be a good thing, after all. Bc I get to be at Parkland hospital for my OB/GYN rotation, and I get to have night time clinicals in the second half of the semester (normally they start around 7:00am). I am pretty lucky to have gotten in at Parkland, its a very prestigous hospital, and it is well known as a great teaching facility also. So, I am happy about that. My roomate and I are still looking for a duplex, we better hurry bc we gotta be out of our apt by Sept 1st. If any of ya's are in the Arl/Ft W area, and you know of a place, let me know.
congrats!! parkland is very good!!!

congrats. and what is a duplex...is it one of those cookies???