Well last night was interesting. Just as me and the bf were ready to get down and dirty my roommate comes home crying hysterically. I wont go into it, but it was over a stupid boy, and I tired to cheer her up but wasnt to successful. So bf and I didnt get started until way later than expected, and I went to bed at 6:00am. Now im exhausted, hungover, and didnt get any of my studying accomplished.
Anyways, I have a proposal...............
I was thinking about how my 21st b-day really sucked. My best friend got sick, my exbf was in a bad mood from doing drugs the previous night, and I ended up at some lamo club dancing with my flamming friend Byron. It really was not what I was hoping for, so I think I should get a redo 21st! My 22nd bday is coming up in June (the 14th) so does anyone have any ideas on what I could do?
Anyways, I have a proposal...............
I was thinking about how my 21st b-day really sucked. My best friend got sick, my exbf was in a bad mood from doing drugs the previous night, and I ended up at some lamo club dancing with my flamming friend Byron. It really was not what I was hoping for, so I think I should get a redo 21st! My 22nd bday is coming up in June (the 14th) so does anyone have any ideas on what I could do?
i'd guess so, i need to call and see how they organize that.
i wish you the best of luck this week with school. it will all soon be over.