Okay since its Monday, im bored, and im trying to avoid studying..I thought I would try a little survey. Im going to list some things and you tell me if you think its funny or not. I am not going to tell you if I think its funny or not, bec it will skew my results.
1. people falling
2. relieving gas and blaming it on someone else
3. old people
4. that Stewart skit on Mad TV
5. Triumph the insult comic dog
6. super gay men
7. my big fat obnoxious fiance show
8. the meatmen (a band)
9. yo mama jokes
10. when people dress up their animals like little humans
1. people falling
2. relieving gas and blaming it on someone else
3. old people
4. that Stewart skit on Mad TV
5. Triumph the insult comic dog
6. super gay men
7. my big fat obnoxious fiance show
8. the meatmen (a band)
9. yo mama jokes
10. when people dress up their animals like little humans
2. relieving gas and blaming it on someone else
3. old people
not yet
4. that Stewart skit on Mad TV
5. Triumph the insult comic dog
my sides hurt still
6. super gay men
not anymore
7. my big fat obnoxious fiance show
yes...I hate that tight-ass family
8. the meatmen (a band)
9. yo mama jokes
if done correctly..."Yo mama's so fat, she ingests more calories than she burns off."
10. when people dress up their animals like little humans
not really funny...unless the animals get pissed and bite their owners