My teaching project about stress relief went really excellent, we soo much participation from the patients (at JPS psych hospital). I even got half of them to meditate for a couple minutes. I was so proud of myself.
But on the other hand, coffe shop guy hasnt called yet
But on the other hand, coffe shop guy hasnt called yet
I got more than half shitfaced last night... I try to stay away from the "all you can drink" beer busts. but last night i just couldn't resist. to me it's kinda like an all you can eat buffet.. it's almost a challenge, it just calls you... it says..."Russell.... you are not full.. Russell you are not drunk......" so I spend half the night proving a point to the voices in my head that say i haven't gotten my money's worth the shit's like water.... anyways.. congrats on your stress relief thing.... I think everybody should learn that sorta thing..... and the coffee shop guy.. well fuck him... i'll go down there and make him call you....