Damn! Seemed like we were out of the house deal today because the partner I have on the deal had a judgement against him that showed up all of a sudden. Had to scramble to somehow find 6 grand. If it isn't one thing it's another I suppose. We managed to find a way to swing it, but I am not real happy about it. Of course, shit happens from time to time and ya just got to plow through it somehow. It would have been a crushing blow to have everything fall through at this point in the game. Fuckin' close one!
Those bastards always pull some kind of shit on you like that at the last minute. That happened when I bought my place and when I refinanced. All the sudden they want your damn birth certificate, your moms birth certificate, a urine sample, you name it. Even though youve been waiting for 45 days to close, they screw it up and you have to jump through hoops for the bastards.