Ok so, so far todaythe weather has been really nice and i have a slight sunburn on my shoulders but no worries its not sore
anyway todayis my mums birthday and i thought id splash out so i brought her this bracelet that she wanted for her wedding day but couldn't actually afford it. So i went into the shop it was in and saw that there was a massive sale on and because my mum wanted two of the bracelets aas a mothere daughter thing for the wedding as in my mum and my nan i thought id get both of them then i went off and had a big bunch of flowers made up for me.
the thing is my mum had some bad news the pub we were gonna hold the reception for the wedding has being closed down because the owner didn't pay her brewery bill and she found that out this morning so i called my mums boyfriend he told me so i thought i would go down to where she worked and put a smile on her face
but the reaction i got was much better she was so happy with all that i had gotten for her that she started crying and she wouldn't stop hugging me
i was just happy to see her smiling she works in a nursing home and was serving dinner to the residents when i went in but everyone saw how happy she was and were all smiling at me
i would do anything for my mum and i'm happy when she is happy
going out drinking tomorrow night its a girls night out with my mum and i haven't been out for ages so i can't wait
so i hope everybody is well and is looking after them selves
love you all
anyway todayis my mums birthday and i thought id splash out so i brought her this bracelet that she wanted for her wedding day but couldn't actually afford it. So i went into the shop it was in and saw that there was a massive sale on and because my mum wanted two of the bracelets aas a mothere daughter thing for the wedding as in my mum and my nan i thought id get both of them then i went off and had a big bunch of flowers made up for me.
the thing is my mum had some bad news the pub we were gonna hold the reception for the wedding has being closed down because the owner didn't pay her brewery bill and she found that out this morning so i called my mums boyfriend he told me so i thought i would go down to where she worked and put a smile on her face
but the reaction i got was much better she was so happy with all that i had gotten for her that she started crying and she wouldn't stop hugging me
i was just happy to see her smiling she works in a nursing home and was serving dinner to the residents when i went in but everyone saw how happy she was and were all smiling at me
i would do anything for my mum and i'm happy when she is happy
going out drinking tomorrow night its a girls night out with my mum and i haven't been out for ages so i can't wait
so i hope everybody is well and is looking after them selves
love you all
That's really, really nice to be able to make her so happy like that. 

i met Ross Brawn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!