I was tagged to do this fun little challenge by my WCW the absolutely beautiful @nymm
1) Height? 5'7”
2) Virgin? Virgo for life Ha
3) Do you smoke? Umm edibles lol I mean... smoke what? Ha. I smoked cigs for five years when I was a teenager and weed since I was 14 but now just edibles cause asthma
4) Do you drink? During quarantine I had my first Bloody Mary and first Margarita. Both were delicious in their own ways hah oh and some Michigan cherry wine. But this is the most I’ve drank in years. So, I guess sometimes I drink.
5) Age you get mistaken for? 23
6) Any tattoos? Yeah. I want so many more too.
7) Any piercings? Zero.
8) Best friend? I’ve met so many amazing friends through SG. 💕
9)A fact about your personality: I am naturally super chill, but internally I’m a mess.
10) What career did you choose when you were a child? Veterinarian and Race Car Driver. Haven’t given up on either yet.
11) Where would you like to be right now? I’m really content in life right now. :)
Your turn: @vaega @gaiah @eminence @zory @sleuth @remixx @mocha69 @voodoo @samicat @orbitt