If it ain't one thing, it's a mother fuckin' other.......
Worst day ever. When, I pulled out of my driveway to get my regular oil change before work, my Jeep started making a horrible knocking sound. So, of course, I called my dad to ask him what it could be. He, coincidentally, was on his way to my house to do some work outside. So, I met him at the gas station at the end of my road. He checked the oil in my car. None. Seriously?!?! No oil at all!! He put oil in it, and it still made the awful noise when I started it up. We called a tow truck. My Jeep is only a year old!! How could this happen?!?! Anyway, we followed the tow truck to the dealership, only to be told that they can't even get my car on a lift till next week. I have a work trip in a week. I suppose, I'll have to rent a car. So, after 2 panic attacks, I had no choice but to accept this shit show of a day. Adding to this, I got pulled over last night on my way home. And, I, obviously, had to miss work today to deal with the ridiculousness that is my life. I've calmed down about it, now, but I am far from happy.
...too young to be towed......

Worst day ever. When, I pulled out of my driveway to get my regular oil change before work, my Jeep started making a horrible knocking sound. So, of course, I called my dad to ask him what it could be. He, coincidentally, was on his way to my house to do some work outside. So, I met him at the gas station at the end of my road. He checked the oil in my car. None. Seriously?!?! No oil at all!! He put oil in it, and it still made the awful noise when I started it up. We called a tow truck. My Jeep is only a year old!! How could this happen?!?! Anyway, we followed the tow truck to the dealership, only to be told that they can't even get my car on a lift till next week. I have a work trip in a week. I suppose, I'll have to rent a car. So, after 2 panic attacks, I had no choice but to accept this shit show of a day. Adding to this, I got pulled over last night on my way home. And, I, obviously, had to miss work today to deal with the ridiculousness that is my life. I've calmed down about it, now, but I am far from happy.

...too young to be towed......

sorry honey <3 and ive been super bad at messages, I hope the jeep, and you get better
heheh. it's one of my fave songs!