Well, color me psyched!! Super duper psyched!! I just got booked to do a wedding in Nashville, followed by one in Hilton Head! Sweet!!! I love wedding season, and weddings in general. I wish I could do bridal hair every single day of the week. And, I'll be making the hair accessories and veil for the Hilton Head wedding. Double YAY!!!!! I'm taking my best friend to Nashville as the makeup artist. She's never been there, so I'm pretty excited for her to experience that city. She's not been outside our small town in a long time, if ever. She may implode in Nashville! Lol!!
And, I think, my MR set has plateaued
. There hasn't been any increase in comments or % for a couple of days. Hopefully, my next set will increase!! I'll be shooting in about a week 
And, I think, my MR set has plateaued

Have a nice day xoxo