I hate to broadcast my bitching. I swear, I rarely complain. I'm typically a blazing ray of sunshine!! However, I just gotta unload, right now
. I've spent my last day of my week off for this month doing manual labor. I won't go into all the different laborous jobs I've done today, and for the majority of my week off. My beloved alarm clock died a few days ago
. For an insomniac, that's like the worst thing ever! I just realized, last night as I begged for sleep, that I can't remember a day when I didn't wake up or go to sleep with some sort of stress. And, while I deal with my own stresses, it seems as if there are some really shitty people in the world that sleep soundly every night, wake up well rested with no under-eye bags in the morning, can eat whatever they want and never gain a pound, coast blissfully through life day in and day out, all the while engaging in a carefree social life, have a fabulously loyal significant other, and rarely exerting any energy, just coasting
. So, I ask you, why? I'm not a shitty person. I'm responsible and respectful. I pay my bills and 2 mortgages. I help others out when they need it. I listen to their "problems". I don't even complain when I have a real problem and no one is there to listen to me. I never ask for help. I have tried to find the silver lining in every negative situation, but today it just seems impossible. I spent my weekend driving almost 3hrs for a couple of shoots for a friend of mine. When I got to her house, she just started bitching about her kid and her dude and her high cholesterol. So, the shoot didn't happen, and I drove my disappointed ass all the way back home the next day in a thunderstorm. Do you ever feel like you need to do some spring cleaning on your friends? I know, I'm just rambling and ranting, now. So many apologies. Really. I'll end on a silver lining that just came to me. As I drove off, down my driveway to go buy a new alarm clock, I was able to enjoy a topless drive in my Jeep. Top down. Music loud. And, then, my theme song came on the ipod rotation. Loverboy's "Lovin' Every Minute Of It". Music turned up louder. Wind in my hair. Ok, that actually cheered me up a little bit
. So, instead of focusing on the negativity of my rant, I end with a question. What's your theme song? What is the one song that you would want playing every time you walk into a room? Just curious. I think, it says a lot about a person.

As far as stress goes, I've also always found that getting away for a little while always helps me. Getting out of town, even if it's just for a couple days, does wonders for my perspective.
<3 jay