Alright, new month, new blog. Here's a little about me. I, still, feel like I'm 19. I, still, believe in fairytales. I love high heels and red glossy lipstick. My favorite candy is Peppermint Patties. I know that ghosts are real. I'd rather a dude tell me I'm funny instead of pretty. I'm experimenting with the power of positive thinking. Eh, I'm undecided on the results. In the last year and a half, I have been on my 1st blind date, followed by about a dozen more blind dates. The only dates I've been on have been of the blind variety. And, they have all been disastrous, but funny. I'm a successful hairstylist/extensionista in a small city in a small state. My best friends couldn't be more different than me, and yet we're so much alike. I'm very close to my parents and my sisters. I love being creative, in any way possible. I paint, but not as much as I'd like. I sew, but again, not as much as I'd like. I've recently started dabbling in jewelry design/making. I love cheeseburgers. No, I take that back. I LOVE CHEESEBURGERS!!!!! I have a theory that nobody's ass ever looked good in $20 jeans. I bake desserts when I'm stressed. I love ordering room service, so much. The last four years have been full of changes in my life. Very positive changes. Now, don't worry, I'm not about to get all deep. I'm just making statements. I adore my job, and everyone associated with it. I hear the craziest shit all day long! My clients that sit in my chair are the awesomest people in the world! They trust me to make their hair gorgeous. They tell me their secrets. And, at the end of it, they hand me a wad of money, and agree to do it all over again in a month. All in all, I'm a very pleasant gal. Happy. So, that's me. Daya 101, if you will.
Daya 101 was a good read. lol
Thanks for the request. Hope to talk to you soon.