Well, it's been 2 weeks now & still out of a job, damn this really sucks, you know my last job wasn't great or nothing, but at least I had a steady income. I need to get back to work soon, I hate having no money, what a bite. I'll just keep my fingers crossed that I'll find something soon. frown
Well, as much as I'd like to say this weeks been the same ol' shit, it hasn't. Got fired this week for a bullshit reason, so now I'm trying to find a new job & going broke at this same time.....this sucks. mad
Whew, here it is Tuesday morning & it's too damn early, I didn't get off work 'till after one last night & I'm already on my way back again, this is so twisted. Do I hear a cruel & unusual??? Oh well, bitch, bitch, bitch, I do sound whiney. Trying to look on the bright sight, I have tomorrow off so maybe I can go...
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Well, never done this before, but what the hell I'm bored. It's Sunday morning & I just woke up, at 11:30 yes....I don't really like to be lazy but sometimes it's alright, what pisses me off is I gotta go to work in a few hours, I so don't want to. But new Viva La Bam is on tonight!!!! I've been wanting to see this...
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Oh my god! I missed the new Viva La Bam because I had no idea it was on! Crap! Oh well... I am sure I will catch it since they will play it a million times!!!!!
Yeah, even though my profile says I live in Albuquerque I really live in Rio Rancho!!!!!
Right on, don't really know anyone around here, just moved here a few months & all, I missed Viva La Bam cause I had to work & my VCR screwed up on my & didn't record, piece of shit....